Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Kreo Cityville Invasion Marina Madness Set

KRE-O Cityville Invasion
I received this set from BzzAgent for my children to play with and review.  
Out of the box, the Kreo Cityville Invasion Marina Madness set looked like your standard building set. The minifigures are simple to assemble. Instructions are straightforward. Blocks....that's another story. My son (7yrs) has no trouble putting together Lego sets that have 10+ age guidelines (he's been doing those since he was 5), but this set was just plain hard to assemble. The blocks were hard to snap together. I even had trouble helping him assemble a few of the items. And while they were hard to snap together, once snapped, the whole construction fell apart at a simple bump on several occasions. After spending almost two hours putting together a seemingly small and simple set, my kids were done with it for several days and weren't even interested in checking out the app associated with it. This is a set they probably will have little interest in ever playing with again because of how often they have to rebuild it. Save your money and buy some Legos.

1 comment :

  1. Thanks for the good review. I have had the same problems with Kreo.
